Home » How pro-Russia and China propaganda targets US ties with Trieste

How pro-Russia and China propaganda targets US ties with Trieste

The port in Northern Italy is viewed as a critical hub for trade routes linking Europe with the Indo-Pacific. A U.S.-sanctioned Russian think tank argues that the city will be the “next theatre of war,” a claim echoed by anti-Western media

A strategic port. With its prime location as the northernmost harbor in the Mediterranean, Trieste, in the far north-eastern corner of Italy, is set to become a crucial nexus connecting Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Indo-Pacific.

  • Ideally situated, the port is poised to serve as the European terminus of the India-Middle East-Europe (IMEC) corridor, a significant initiative unveiled less than a year ago during the G20 summit in New Delhi, India.
  • Trieste stands out as the most advantageous crossroads for trade between Central Europe, the Indo-Mediterranean, and Indo-Pacific markets.

Balkans and Eastern Europe. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has lauded Trieste as “Italy’s maritime capital.” Its significance is further highlighted by its potential role in the Three Seas Initiative, a project involving twelve Central and Eastern European nations.

  • This initiative positions Trieste as a key logistical hub connecting the Adriatic, Baltic, and Black Seas.
  • A recent opinion piece in The National Interest further underscores Trieste’s pivotal role.
    • The city could act as a vital link between the broader Mediterranean region and the Indo-Pacific, wrote Kaush Arha, President of the Free & Open Indo-Pacific Forum and visiting fellow at the Atlantic Council, along with Carlos Roa, a fellow at the Danube Institute and the Institute for Peace and Diplomacy.

Chinese interest. Trieste has also attracted the attention of Chinese state-owned companies, reflecting the strategic ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party in Europe.

  • Arha and Roa highlighted growing concerns in Europe and the United States regarding the strategic implications of Beijing’s interest in Trieste, while also noting the potential benefits of strengthening US ties with the city.
  • According to the authors, bolstering American engagement in Trieste would not only safeguard vital trade routes between Europe and the Indo-Pacific but also serve as a counterbalance to Xi Jinping’s expansionist Belt and Road Initiative.
  • They argue that if the United States is serious about countering Beijing’s geopolitical ambitions, securing influence in strategic ports like Trieste is essential to prevent its unique geostrategic advantages from falling into Chinese hands.

Propaganda efforts. Following heightened interest from Washington, the Strategic Culture Foundation—a Russian think tank with ties to Russian intelligence and sanctioned by the US—has launched a pointed critique arguing that Trieste will be the “next theatre of war”.

  • This narrative was swiftly amplified by the Italian media outlet FarodiRoma, known for its anti-Western stance.
  • This development reflects the growing convergence of pro-China and pro-Russian propaganda in Italy, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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