Home » Italy’s Navy conducts first sanctions patrol near North Korea

Italy’s Navy conducts first sanctions patrol near North Korea

The Raimondo Montecuccoli patrolled Japanese waters to monitor potential violations of UN Security Council sanctions. Italy’s involvement highlights its commitment to Indo-Pacific security and further cements the connection between Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions

The Raimondo Montecuccoli, a Thaon di Revel-class ship, conducted patrols in the waters around Japan from late August to early September 2024, according to a statement from Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • The multi-purpose offshore patrol ship’s activities focused on monitoring maritime operations that could potentially breach United Nations Security Council sanctions imposed on Pyongyang. This includes the transfer of sanctioned goods between ships, which is often carried out by North Korean-flagged vessels in open waters.
    • UNSCR 2375 and 2397, adopted respectively in September and December 2017 in response to the sixth nuclear test conducted by the government of Pyongyang, impose a complete ban on the supply, sale or transfer of liquid natural gas and condensates to North Korea. Resolution 2397 further tightened these measures by imposing additional restrictions on the supply of refined petroleum products. These sanctions were enacted to compel North Korea to abandon its nuclear programme.
  • In a statement, the Italian Navy recalls that the Enforcement Coordination Cell mission is a multinational coalition including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, with Germany as a recent addition.

The Raimondo Montecuccoli is the Italian Navy’s first Pattugliatore polivalente d’altura configured for medium-intensity operations.

  • Known as the ‘light plus’ configuration, the ship is armed with a Leonardo 127/64 lightweight main gun, a 76/62 mm Super Rapid Strales/Sovraponte multirole gun, and two 25 mm remotely controlled weapons. It is also equipped with two eight-cell Sylver A50 launchers for MBDA Aster 15/30 air-defence missiles and MBDA Italia’s extended self-defence anti-missile system (SAAM ESD).

In a statement, Japan “welcomes these activities from the viewpoint of ensuring effective implementation of the relevant [United National Security Council resolutions] in solidarity with the international community towards the realisation of North Korea’s dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles of all ranges in a complete, verifiable, and irreversible manner.”

  • Italy’s involvement in this mission underscores the country’s growing focus on security in the Indo-Pacific region, reinforcing the link between Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific stability.
  • Earlier this year, Italy sent a Carrier Strike Group, led by the aircraft carrier Cavour, to the region for joint exercises with allied and partner nations, including Japan, the United States, and Australia.

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