Home » Italy backs Taiwan’s participation in the UN system

Italy backs Taiwan’s participation in the UN system

The Chamber of Deputies’ Foreign Affairs Committee has unanimously approved a resolution urging the government to support Taiwan’s participation in United Nations agencies and mechanisms. It marks a significant step in Italy’s Indo-Pacific strategy

On Wednesday… the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved a resolution calling on the government to support Taiwan’s participation in the United Nations system.

  • The resolution, presented by MP Paolo Formentini ahead of the United Nations General Assembly next week, urges the government “to take initiatives aimed at supporting Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the specialised agencies and mechanisms of the United Nations, including the World Health Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, as a member where statehood is not a requirement for membership, and as an observer or guest where it is, also supporting any initiative to end Taiwan’s diplomatic isolation.”
  • During an interview with our sister website Formiche, MP Formentini stated that it is “essential” for countries like Italy to prioritise maintaining peace, upholding the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and protecting freedom of navigation in the region.

Last November… Deputy Foreign Minister Maria Tripodi stressed that the Indo-Pacific would be a priority during Italy’s G7 presidency in 2024.

  • Italy is increasing efforts to strengthen its presence in the region with an inclusive approach, which means cooperating with all partners in the area, including regional organisations while respecting international law. She made these remarks during a hearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
  • The Indo-Pacific region holds significant geostrategic importance, as 90 per cent of the world’s commercial maritime traffic passes through this region.
  • Therefore, the area faces several key challenges, such as maintaining freedom and security of seas, managing supply chains, and addressing the impact of climate change.

Taiwan speaking. “Italy can contribute to Taiwan’s international recognition by enhancing economic and trade relations with Taiwan, exploring new opportunities for collaboration in strategic sectors,” said Taiwan’s representative to Italy.

  • In an interview with our sister website Formiche, Taiwanese diplomat Vincent Tsai described it as “essential” for Italy to continue promoting and supporting democratic principles.
  • “Supporting Taiwan is not just a geopolitical issue but also a moral commitment to a partner that shares our values. Helping Taiwan means contributing to a fairer, more just, and stable world, where every nation and people have the right to determine their own destiny and participate in the international community,” he added.

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