The European energy majors received special US authorisation and will tap Maduro’s oil to help Europe disengage from Russia. As with Saudi Arabia, the Russian war in...
Author - Emanuele Rossi
Algeri and Rome are deepening their economic ties (chiefly through gas trade) and expanding their political and strategic dossiers. As Algerian President Tebboune is on...
President Biden and the Pentagon reversed the Trump-era pullout to help stabilise the country and counter Chinese penetration. And Rome is evaluating whether to...
The EU should take charge of energy issues to obtain longer levers, effective on both markets and politics, to tackle the issues caused by the Russian war in Ukraine. A...
There are two ways to read the situation in Libya: the new government may give a boost to stabilisation, but it may also create risky conditions, says Karim Mezran...
Great powers deal with great quandaries. Washington must balance its value-based approach with its reliance on regional allies in the MENA area. Varvelli (ECFR Rome)...
The Italian Foreign Minister travelled to Tunis for institutional meetings with “a strategic partner of Italy”, as President Fassino defined the North African country...
President Saied outlines the way out of the institutional crisis - a constitutional referendum and then elections -, but the process is designed around himself. Read the...
We anticipate the contents of the Paris Conference’s draft on Libyan elections, upholding the democratic process and dealing with foreign armed forces. Regional experts...
The region and its complexities, challenges and opportunities were portrayed at the European naval operation’s conference, where Rear Admiral Turchetto made his first...