Home » Kremlin’s disinformation battle intensifies with new case against Italian reporters

Kremlin’s disinformation battle intensifies with new case against Italian reporters

Russian authorities have launched criminal proceedings against Italian journalists Stefania Battistini and Simone Traini for reporting on Ukrainian military operations in Kursk, exposing vulnerabilities in Russia's defences. The Italian ambassador was summoned, and the incident underscores growing concerns about Russian disinformation in Italy

The Case. In recent days, the FSB, the Russia’s federal security service, has initiated criminal proceedings against Italian public broadcaster Rai’s journalist Stefania Battistini and her cameraman Simone Traini. 

  • This development follows their reportage, which was the first to cover Ukrainian military operations in Kursk. 
  • The journalists stand accused of “illegally crossing the Russian Federation’s state border and filming in the village of Sudzha, located in the Kursk region.”
  • In response to these events, the Italian ambassador in Moscow was summoned by Russian authorities to explain the actions of the two journalists, who have since returned to Rome due to security concerns.

The king is naked. The report by Battistini and Traini exposes a chink in the Kremlin’s armor: the Ukrainian military’s ability to penetrate Russian territory. This revelation highlights a vulnerability that the Kremlin is keen to keep under wraps, especially from its own citizens and the global community, as noted by Maurizio Caprara in an interview with our sister company, Formiche.net

  • The FSB’s announcement of a criminal investigation serves as a warning to other journalists that such reporting could invite severe repercussions, Caprara adds.
  • Caprara also expressed concern about the increasing disinformation pervading Italy’s public discourse. 
  • Russian influence in Italian media is pervasive, deeply rooted, and continues to expand. This is the result of decades of efforts by actors in Moscow who have long sought to distort the truth for their own gain.

Disinformation and the media. On a related note, Stefano Graziano of the Democratic Party (Partito Democratico) emphasised that Italy faces ongoing attempts at interference aimed at sowing disinformation. He urged vigilance against these efforts. 

  • Earlier this year, President Sergio Mattarella called for resolute action against the escalating tide of Russian disinformation, which intensified during the European elections. 
  • “In Italy, there are constant attempts at disinformation from the Russian side, which particularly intensifies during election times,” President Mattarella warned.

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