While former PM Silvio Berlusconi states the West should not support Kiev militarily but economically to rebuild its cities, thereby pressuring Zelensky to sit at the...
This year’s event is being held in the Azerbaijani capital to allow the presence of Kremlin loyalists. Rosneft’s Sechin hurled accusations at the US and the West – but...
Rome’s new government showed no signs of cosying up to Moscow, which attacked it for being excluded from the global working group for the non-proliferation of WMD. PM...
Matteo Piantedosi’s first action in office was sending letters to the NGOs’ respective countries, warning them of Italy’s intention to prevent refugees from disembarking...
Ahead of the confidence vote, the newly-appointed Italian prime minister laid out her government’s approach to Ukraine and Russia, the Atlantic Alliance, the EU...
53% of citizens are more worried about the bills than the Russian war in Ukraine and the country’s international positioning, as revealed in a IAI/LAPS report. However...
In a leaked audio, the leader of Forza Italia said he has “re-established relations” with the Russian president, exchanging “sweet letters,” vodka and wine. His...
Marta Ottaviani, an expert on the Kremlin’s infowar tactics, became the target of a defamatory Twitter campaign over the weekend. Here’s what happened
“Peace is urgent and necessary. The path to building it stems from a re-establishment of truth, of international law, of the freedom of the Ukrainian people,” said the...
Defence Minister Guerini shared the confidential weapons list with the Intelligence Committee. Sign-off is expected by the end of the week. The prospective PM spoke with...