In its official opinion, the European Commission approved Rome’s 2023 fiscal intentions. Thumbs up on spending restraint and focus on debt reduction, down on proposed...
In this exclusive interview, Maurizio Leo details the key points of Meloni’s budget law, discussing simplification through flat tax, coming interventions to reduce the...
Through a semi-nationalisation, the government aims to shield the Lukoil-owned plant from a potential shutdown, due to the effects of the upcoming embargo on Russian...
In an exclusive interview with our sister site, he outlined the Meloni government’s EU and US-aligned approach. As former president of the Intelligence...
Rome, along with other EU capitals, has been fighting to put a ceiling on gas prices since spring. That group has now expanded to a qualified EU majority pushing back...
In this exclusive interview, the famed economist – who announced the opening of a Social Business Centre at the University of Turin – touches on the nature of...
Rome’s “prudent and realistic” approach expands Draghi’s fiscal moderation trend. Most of the package is geared at fighting energy bills; it includes tax breaks and...
The Commission unveiled a plan to overhaul the bloc's fiscal policies. Debt-control targets will be replaced by tailor-made adjustment paths, with leeway for investing...
The head of the new Ministry for Business and Made in Italy is bent on weaving tech sovereignty and national security into the action of Giorgia Meloni’s government...
The German government keeps fighting over China’s bid for the key shipping hub, which also controls the Italian port of Trieste. Merics’ Francesca Ghiretti doesn’t...