The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary General knows the Middle East and Asia issues inside out. Formerly the Italian ambassador and EU Special Envoy to...
Foreign Minister Di Maio hit back at former Russian President Medvedev, who urged Italian voters to “punish” their government through the electoral ballot. It wasn’t the...
After her English, French and Spanish messages, the PM hopeful sought to reassure Germany. Her tones are more moderate than AfD’s, but everything about the fascist or...
The League’s leader abandoned the cornerstone of his 2018 electoral campaign, Euroscepticism, in favour of a new slogan hinged on religious ambiguity. Although the...
Rome’s choices are “unlikely” to contrast with its transatlantic partners. But so is the breakdown of its relations with Moscow and Beijing. The latest RUSI report lays...
Polls see the union of these three parties as the most likely winners of the September elections. However, their internal differences on crucial matters (such as...
She sought to assuage international concerns over her political positioning, Europe and Italy’s future in a three-language video. It’s the latest leg of a years-long...
The centrist Calenda walked away from his alliance with the Democratic Party, who chose to stick with the Greens and the Italian Left – both proudly anti-Draghi and anti...
As the electoral campaign heats up, Italy faces an Atlanticist test that will define its foreign policy. But outside its borders, several ongoing conflicts - and the US'...
Italian MPs in the Lower House overwhelmingly backed the two Nordic countries joining the Alliance. Meanwhile, the centre-left coalesced to face the centre-right...