The signs are multiplying: besides the constant cyberattacks and disinformation campaigns, the Kremlin has maimed the Italian embassy in Moscow. A veritable testament to...
Author - Decode39
An Italian network aired a prime time show from the Red Square, hosting two of the Kremlin’s most powerful propagandists and marking the pro-Russian depth reached by...
US authorities are reportedly investigating whether Beijing financed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2020. Senior Officer Patrick Shiflett revealed as much to...
An expert panel organised by the Atlantic Council and the Med-Or Foundation explored the issues shaping the wider Mediterranean, along with the role of the West...
An investigation by cyber propaganda expert Alex Orlowski sheds light on the Italian-language Twitter network amplifying the Kremlin’s disinformation, unveiling their...
Countries in the wider Mediterranean acknowledge its role in supporting higher-level education. Through several types of cooperation – such as those that Med-Or is...
Finnish PM Sanna Marin visited Rome right after her country, along with Sweden, formally applied to join NATO. Turkey’s obstructionism weighs on that prospect, and...
Speaking to President Biden and Congress, Kyriakos Mitsotakis revealed the recipe for brewing politics at the centre and cornering opposing extremisms. A call some...
The Vatican’s Secretary of State acknowledged the right to armed resistance, as stated in the Church’s teachings, and all but confirmed the soundness of arming the...
On Wednesday, Italian PM Draghi received the Atlantic Council’ Distinguished Leadership Award from US Secretary Yellen. Here’s a selection of their speeches.