The region and its complexities, challenges and opportunities were portrayed at the European naval operation’s conference, where Rear Admiral Turchetto made his first...
The country’s institutions and industry are aligned in a comprehensive extension of the Italian influence over the Wider Mediterranean area by means of upgrading and...
There are plenty of reasons for Italy to avoid following France in its clash with the United States over the AUKUS affair. Behind the controversy, the French are ready...
An interview with Stefano Pontecorvo, Senior Civilian Representative of NATO in Afghanistan, former ambassador to Pakistan and key figure during the Kabul evacuation...
The Italian Minister of Defence visited the United States as the withdrawal from Afghanistan brings NATO’s inner workings into question. Alessandro Minuto-Rizzo, former...
Italy’s financial crime corps charged six managers (three of which are Chinese nationals) from Alpi Aviation for violating the law on military exports and “golden power”...
Andrea Gilli, Senior Researcher at the NATO Defense College, and Mauro Gilli, Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich, reflect on the...
Global competition in the defence industry is increasing, and national interests still play a key role in this market. Thus, the EU needs clear political-military...
Carelessness, miscalculations, bad advice. There are many reasons behind the diplomatic crisis between Italy and the United Arab Emirates. There are many more to...