The region and its complexities, challenges and opportunities were portrayed at the European naval operation’s conference, where Rear Admiral Turchetto made his first...
The Chinese President will not physically travel to Rome, as the outsized role Beijing plays in many critical issues - including climate change, energy, supply chain...
The rising star of Germany’s CDU visited the Italian Minister for Economic Development. Officially they’ll discuss political, economic and scientific relations, but...
Brian Katulis, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, details why the Transatlantic reset needs a reset – along with a clearer animating vision and set of...
The prime minister said the summit is urgently needed “to avert a humanitarian catastrophe in the making” and hold globe-spanning talks about contrasting the spread of...
As the Germans build their next Parliament, converging instances mean that Paris and Rome have an increased chance to steer the EU’s direction - especially on key issues...
As the Italian PM called the Russian President, Foreign Minister Di Maio is doing the legwork at the UNGA. Here's how Rome is focussing on organising the G20 summit on...
Parliament voted against the UN-appointed PM, weakening the UN-backed executive and complicating a political situation that can only be resolved through elections
An interview with Stefano Pontecorvo, Senior Civilian Representative of NATO in Afghanistan, former ambassador to Pakistan and key figure during the Kabul evacuation...
Five major Western countries signed a joint statement in favour of the ongoing stabilisation process. Libya is inching closer to free and fair elections, scheduled for...